
Single Case Research Visual Analysis Training

Developed by Swoboda, Kratochwill, Horner, Levin, and Albin (2012)

A tool for assessing and improving skills at visual analysis of single-case research designs.

Suggested Citation: Swoboda, C., Kratochwill, T., Horner, R., Levin, J., and Albin, R., (2012). Visual Analysis Training Protocol: Applications with the Alternating Treatment, Multiple Baseline, and ABAB Designs (available from authors).

ExPRT – ​Excel® Package of Randomization Tests: Statistical Analyses of Single-Case Intervention Data

Developed by Boris S. Gafurov and Joel R. Levin

A set of Microsoft Office 2010 Excel®-based programs for conducting randomization and permutation statistical tests in a wide variety of single-case intervention designs.


Designed and built by James E. Pustejovsky and Daniel M. Swan

An R package for calculating basic effect size indices for single-case designs, including several non-overlap measures and parametric effect size measures, and for estimating the gradual effects model developed by Swan and Pustejovsky (2017).

Suggested Citation: Pustejovsky, J. E, Chen, M., & Swan, D. M. (2021). Single-case effect size calculator (Version 0.5.2) [Web application]. Retrieved from


Designed and built by James E. Pustejovsky, Man Chen, & Daniel M. Swan

An interactive web-based app to calculate non-parametric and parametric effect sizes from single-case data. Can also be accessed through RStudio. Source code is available on GitHub.

Suggested Citation: Pustejovsky, J. E, Chen, M., & Swan, D. M. (2021). Single-case effect size calculator (Version 0.5.2) [Web application]. Retrieved from


Designed and built by Daniel M. Swan and James E. Pustejovsky

An interactive web-based app to calculate effect size estimates (e.g., log response ratios or log odds ratios) for single-case design studies examining gradual effects of the intervention.

Suggested Citation: Swan, Daniel M. & Pustejovsky, James E. (2016). gem_scd: A web-based calculator for the Gradual Effects Model (Version 0.1.1) [Web application]. Retrieved from:

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